



Information submited: March 31, 2014 Modified: April 5, 2018 By: OperaDreamhouse
Corylus Avellana, the common Hazel, is a species of Hazel native to Europe and western Asia, from the British Isles south to Iberia, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, north to central Scandinavia, and east to the central Ural Mountains, the Caucasus, and northwestern Iran.

Hazelnut (Corylus Avellana) is a popular tree nut worldwide, mainly distributed along the coasts of the Black Sea region of Turkey, southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France), and in some areas of the US (Oregon and Washington). Turkey is the world’s largest producer of Hazelnuts.

 It is typically a shrub reaching 3 - 8 m tall, but can reach 15 m. The name "Hazelnut" applies to the nuts of any of the species of the genus Corylus. This Hazelnut or Cobnut, the kernel of the seed, is edible and used raw or roasted, or ground into a paste.

The Hazelnut oil
is also known as the Cob nut oil or Filbert nut oil.

The Hazelnut oil is fine textured and one of the highly unsaturated vegetable oils. This nut oil is clear with slight yellow tint. It has a faintly nutty aroma, is highly penetrative and is fine textured and is one of the most highly unsaturated vegetable oils. The oil should not be exposed directly to sunlight.

Chemical structure:

Hazelnut oil
contains 66-85% oleic acid, 7 - 25% linoleic acid, 4 - 9% palmitic acid and 1 - 6% stearic acid. The Hazel nut oil has some important fatty acids such as oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic acids. Glutamic acid was the main amino acid recovered both in un-roasted and roasted flours.

This Hazelnut oil, organic virgin cold-pressed, vegetable oil is close to the organic Sweet Almond oil but has a higher diffusion and penetration capacity. This oil have Vitamins A, B, D and minerals. Hazelnut oil is a warm-pressed oil, high in Vitamin E.

Shelf life: (evaluated up to 6 months) showed that these products are quite stable if stored at room temperature (25°C) in the dark.






Information submited: March 31, 2014 Modified: April 5, 2018 By: OperaDreamhouse
Suitable for dry, normal, mature, oily, sensitive skin types.

Hazelnut oil is a very popular, all purpose carrier oil. It is used by manufacturers (particularly as a conditioning agent in hair care products), aromatherapists, and massage therapists.

Hazelnut oil is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. It is a lovely light oil suitable for skincare and massage. Its astringent properties make it a good choice for young or oily skin types but it is also good for drier skins when blended with richer oils.

It makes the skin soft and is very gentle so can be used with sensitive skins as long as there are no nut allergies. The high oleic acid level of Hazelnut oil gives it remarkable soothing properties and it is also known to regulate sebum secretion.

Hazelnut oil has good astringent qualities (and is said to help maintain the skin's firmness and elasticity), which makes it a superb carrier oil to use on oily and combination skin. It has cell regeneration properties and moisturizing and astringent properties. Hazelnut oil penetrates deep into the skin and is known to help tone and tighten the skin.

Hazelnut oil is heralded as an oil that helps to tone and tighten the skin while strengthening capillaries and assisting in cell regeneration. Tones and tightens skin, helps maintain firmness and elasticity. Helps to strengthen capillaries so might be useful against thread veins. encourages cell regeneration, stimulates circulation.

massage oil has great moisturizing qualities which makes it a good choice to include when mixing a massage oil or preparing a carrier oil blend. It blends well with other massage oils.

Hazelnut oil
is a good carrier oil in aromatherapy applications, it has a slightly astringent action that is good for all skin types, but especially for those with oily body skin.

Hazelnut oil does have the ability to filter out some of the suns rays, and you will find it in many suncare, solar products.

Hazelnut oil
may be used in bath products, eye makeup and skin and hair care products. It is also effective to restore the hair's tonicity and sanitize the scalp.

Hazelnut has a mild scent and is the perfect base oil for creams and skin preparations. Contains oleic acid and a small proportion of linoleic acid.

Hazelnut oil may be used in bath and eye makeup products.


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